Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Operation Green Rights: processors incrse slavery, war and nature devastation in Congo

The UN trial of 2001 about congo's war in 1998 showed that the conflict was a fight tocontrol Congo's coltan mines. Firms like , , , , , , etc... use grt amounts of coltan in order to produce computers and cellular .We know that also in 1998 used lots of coltan,and that coltan comes from Congo. So we can say that contibutes indirectly tocrte the Congo's war in 1998.During Congo's coltan war 6 milion people lost theirlives.We also know that,now,mininig companies that provide coltan to ,are working inCongo.In 2012 a new civil war in growing up in Kivu.Kivu is Congo's region which has lotsof coltan mines. The war of 2012 is by mr.Ntaganda and this army, formerly involved in 1998war.So,now,there's war in Congo and namely Congo is not a war free ar. says thatfrom 2013 its coltan will come from conflict-free ars.So we ask to :Where do you take your coltan from 1999 to 2012?Why have not you developed a sustitute for coltan in this last 13 yrs?
Pristine ecosystems where destroyed in order to extract coltan and also lots of gorillas were killed.Coltan in digged whith bare hands in hinumane condition by cogolese people.Children usually dont'go school in order to dig the mineral.Coltan is also quite radioactive andminers has terrible hlt problems.For , desploiting Congo's people and devasting Nature in cheeper than develop new war-free thecnologies.
We underline that also in 2011 promise to stop immidiately to use Congo's minerals.This never occours.So in 2012 promises another time,to produce conflict free processors from 2013.Also Traxys substain that from 8 maj 2012 its minerals would come from conflict free ars,but we shows that Traxys is laying.This is prooved by "salvakalumba"'s mail in Traxy's dumped db.So grt firms are completely unaffordable, they are only interested in making money. We spk to every human being , if rding about the atrocities of feel pain in your hrt, now you can contribute to sort out the truth.OperationGreenRights offers you the complte database of , plse look inside and use the informations contained in order to protest freely and proof 's responsability.
" ahd " against !1° phase relse See here the Private Paste [Link added]
To improove the efficency of the protest we also offer the " 15 $Bilion$ CONTACT " table.We found it under Data Base: CEG Table: 15billionContacts.It's a huge list of email contacts by important members of major companies. Many of them are directly or indirectly involved in trafficking coltan from Congo.

2° phase relsed in here!
Source: OperationGreenRights

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